Sunday, May 19, 2019

The Jungle: Chapter 31 (The Finale)

Two basic socialists "cut and dried program for the future civilizations" were the reconstructing of how the economy would work for the country and moving factories and other companies closer together. These programs would allow for a society like Packingtown, to have more opportunities for workers and it would also allow workers to have better financial situations.

The Jungle: Chapter 30

In chapter 30, Jurgis begins to work as a spokesperson for the socialist party. Jurgis is urged to describe the horrible filth of the meat-packing plants also with the real recipes for tinned meats and sausages. Jurgis is excited to take up his new job as spokesperson for the socialist party, but when people don't want to join the socialist movement, he becomes angry and frustrated.

The Jungle: Chapter 29

In Chapter 29, Jurgis learns more about socialism and how many of the workingmen in the U.S. who were immigrants were taken advantage of. One example of this is something called the "Great Butcher" which is a metaphor for the concept of socialism. In the chapter, Jurgis meets a polish man by the name of Ostrinski who speaks Lithuanian. Ostrinski talks about some of the current problems with the economy with Jurgis, and explains what socialism is to him. Ostrinski portrays socialism as "a worldwide movement: any one nation that achieves success will be crushed by the others around it." This gives Jurgis a new perspective on how things are changing in the world, and it causes him to have a sense of enlightenment.

The Jungle: Chapter 28

New immigrants from other countries that come to the U.S. are preyed upon and treated horribly. In the whore house that Marija works in, there are girls that come from other countries that don't speak English who often end up working alongside everyone in the whore house. They are treated poorly, and are drugged so that they become addicted to these drugs and are forced to stay at these places, not only because of their addiction but also because of the increasing debt that they have to eventually pay off.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

The Jungle: Chapter 27

In chapter 27, Jurgis finds Alena who tells Jurgis where Marija is living. When Jurgis goes to see herm he realizes that she is working in a whore house, and Elzbieta and the children are living off of her shame. When Jurgis first finds out about this, he is shocked to have known that Marija would do something this shameful, but he eventually comes to understand that this was really the only way make money to survive.
When Jurgis and Marija are catching on what has happened to them so far, Marija mentions that Ona could have taken care of everyone in their family, in the beginning. I believe that Marija means that Ona could have possibly been in the same position that Marija is in now, when they first cane to the U.S. so that she could provide more money for her family. 

The Jungle: Chapter 26

In chapter 26, Jurgis begins to live a comfortable life which is mostly due to the fact that he is working as a "scab." Jurgis manages the killing rooms, and within his job he starts to evade accountability and he also starts to accept bribes. Jurgis has also become a "strikebreaker," which means that Jurgis tries to break up strikes that take place on the streets of Chicago. Unfortunately, this causes a lot of people to not like Jurgis.

 Aside from this, Jurgis' family has moved into another part of Packingtown, but Jurgis is unwilling to go and see them.
One day, when Jurgis is not working he sees that Phil Connor, which causes Jurgis to become very angry.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

The Jungle: Chapter 25

In chapter 25, Jurgis takes the $100 bill that was given to him by Freddie and goes to a bar to buy a drink. However, when he goes to the bar and asks for a drink, the bartender says that a single drink will cost him a 5 cents. So, while Jurgis only has $100 he tells the bartender about this and gives him the money. Unfortunately, when Jurgis gives the money to the bartender, he only receives 95 cents in return. As soon as Jurgis realizes he has been cheated, he furiously attacks the bartender. Then, a policeman arrests Jurgis and takes him to jail.
When Jurgis goes to court, he is sentenced to 10 days in jail and he must also pay for the costs of his called "crime." When Jurgis goes back into jail, he meets Jack Duane. He agrees that he will see Duane after he gets out of jail.
Jurgis then decides that a life of crime is the only and best way to survive. He first mugged a well dressed man, but found out in the paper that the man was severely injured. Jurgis begins to not care about what happens to his victims.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The Jungle: Chapter 24

In chapter 24, Jurgis meets Freddie Jones, who happens to be a rich young man. Freddie invites Jurgis to his house for a meal and offers to pay for a cab ride. When they get to Freddie's house Jurgis is amazed by Freddie's mansion. However, while Freddie lives a life of luxury the workers at his family's factory are treated horribly. In fact, Jurgis has worked for the Jones' factory.

Monday, May 13, 2019

The Jungle: Chapter 23

In chapter 23, Jurgis returns to Chicago after living his life as a tramp out in the country. However, when he returns he does find a job where he digs holes for telephone poles, but this causes him to go back to feeling miserable.
One night, when Jurgis was at a saloon, he came out and was hit by a car that was going to fast around a corner, causing to get badly injured. Like the last time he was injured, he was taken out of his job and remained feeling miserable. Now he is looking for another job, but this time he feels like "a wounded animal in the forest."

The Jungle: Chapter 22

In chapter 22, Jurgis is heart broken by the death of his son, Anatanas. So, Jurgis decides to leave his home in Packingtown and goes to the country where he becomes a tramp. He is offered lots of jobs manly from farmers, but he turns these offers down because he wants to be able to live a free life filled with adventure. Jurgis is able to start a new life as a tramp that is exciting and full of new and different things from his past life in Packingtown. However, when Jurgis leaves his home he begins o feel guilty about abandoning his family.

The Jungle: Chapter 21

In chapter 21, the author went over the concept of  risking your life to help someone else who is in danger. However, this was not the case for Jurgis and the other workers because they were worried more about keeping their selves alive rather than trying to help other people. This is something that has a large consequence because if you were to risk your own life for someone else's then you could potentially die. But, if you believe that it's not worth the risk, what would you do in a situation where someone you love were in danger?

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

The Jungle: Chapter 20

In chapter 20, Jurgis looks for work after Ona has died. However, Phil Connor has prevented him from ever getting a job in Packingtown again. Things have gotten worse for the family since Ona's death, but Jurgis determined to find a job. Eventually, after looking for a job for 2 weeks Jurgis was able to get a job at a factory that makes harvesting machines. This gives Jurgis some hope for helping to support his family.

Monday, May 6, 2019

The Jungle: Chapter 19

In this chapter, Jurgis goes too his family only to find that Ona is giving birth to another child. Marija was there helping and Jurgis tried to find help by getting a midwife. However, when he found a midwife she wanted a lot of money from Jurgis just to help deliver the baby, but luckily she came anyway. At first, Jurgis and Marija would not have been able to find a midwife because they didn't have very much time before they baby was going to be delivered and they hardly had any money.

The Jungle: Chapter 18

When Jurgis got out of jail, he met a boy and asked him where the stockyards were. He met a farmer who pointed min in the right direction. He came back to his house seeing that it was completely fixed, that was taken over by another family. He went to talk to his grandmother, who told him that his family was living somewhere else. This caused Jurgis to be very sad and worrisome. He could not believe that his family was homeless and starving now.

The Jungle: Chapter 17

In the quote that Jurgis said, Jurgis means that people who steal little money for their own benefit get put into jail by people who take a lot more money. These people who put others into jail are the real criminals because they corrupt others for more money. This quote shows that people really are just do almost anything for money. Hopefully, this problem will subside.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

The Jungle: Chapter 16

The "Maddening procession of thoughts that lashed him like whips upon his naked back" means that Jurgis was thinking of things like how his family was in such an impoverished state. He was also thinking of what would happen to him and his family down the road, this left him feeling terrible. Jurgis was upset about the fact that people were ringing bells for Christmas eve, and he couldn't be with his family to support them. This chapter was very sad because it showed how much Jurgis truly cares and worries about his family, and when he can't help  them, he feels awful.

The Jungle: Chapter 15

In chapter 15, Ona is raped by her boss Connor. When this happens, she is afraid to tell Jurgis because she knows he would kill Connor for doing this leaving them with no money. However, Jurgis threatens Ona and still she is afraid to tell him what happened, but eventually Ona did tell Jurgis whar happened to her. As expected, Jurgis went out to find Connor and seriously injured him, causing Jurgis to be arrested.
This shows that immigrants were being abused by others for beneficial reasons that left them in horrible states

Monday, April 29, 2019

The Jungle: Chapter 14

In this chapter, Elzbieta goes to work in a canning factory like Jurgis where things get more unsaintary due to the fact that spoiled meat is canned and made into products that are resold all over the world. This fact alone is quite disturbing to me. To make matters worse, some of the children of the family have gotten sick including Antanas. Jurgis is scared for Ona and himself when he finds out that she is pregnant once again.

The Jungle: Chapter 13

Having to take up jobs that were deemed unsuitable must have been hard for Jurgis and Teta Elzbieta. They both had to get these jobs simply to help support their family.  Sadly, Elzbieta's son passed away from a horrible disease called rickets. Because of this, she was urged to get a job. Jurgis was able to get a job at the fertilizer plant, which he did not enjoy, but he's willing to do anything for his family.

The Jungle: 12

In this chapter, Jurgis loses his job during the time it took for his foot to heal. This greatly impacted the family because they relied somewhat on Juris' income, this meant that the family's entire income would be cut. This made it much harder for the family to want to work, but luckily, some of the children in the family were able to find a job selling newspaper. For the rest of the adults in the family, they became much more stressed than before.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

The Jungle: Chapter 11

In chapter 11, Jurgis and his family under go the struggles of having to pay for  their board and many other expenses while they are trying to feed and care for themselves. Jurgis’s foot is still unfortunately injured, and he feels angry about this. However, the one thing that makes Jurgis happy now is his son.

Monday, April 22, 2019

The Jungle: chapter 10

In chapter ten, Jurgis and his family go through the struggle of having to live with not being able to pay off their debts and other payments. They encounter problems with their house which only causes them to have pay even more money that they don't have. Additionally, Marija lost her job at the paint factory and eventually got a job at another meat canning factory. Although Marija did not like this job at all, she still went through with it to help support her family.
This chapter was really sad because showed some of the horrible things people had to go through, especially if they were in the working class.

The Jungle: Chapter 9

I found it really disturbing how people who were working in the meat packing industry getting away with manufacturing  meat that contains a lot of diseases. In fact, Mike Scully an Irish Democrat enterprises & helps the packers to get away with their unsanitary practices.
Aside from this, Jurgis begins to learn English and is encouraged to become a U.S. citizen. This is one example of a positive experience for Jurgis and his family, but I believe that things will continue to look down for the family.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

The Jungle: chapter 8

During chapter 8,  Tamoszious the well-known fiddle player, begins to fall for Marija. He tries to woo her by playing especially well at the celebrations that they are invited to. Luckily, his charms work on her.
Unfortunately for Marija, she experienced some not so amazing things at the canning factory. For one, the factory closed down and Marija was left jobless.
Aside from Marija's misfortune, some of the men who work at the stockyards, including Jugris were cheated on by their bosses for their pay by docking them an hour for being only a minute late. Soon after this uproar begins, Jurgis is willing to fight for his rights, so he decided to join the union with his family.

The Jungle: Chapter seven

Because hardly anyone donated money to Ona and Jurgis during the veselija at their wedding they are now in a lot of debt. Not only this, but lots if sicknesses have been going around Packingtown. To make it even worse, winter has already begun and it makes it much harder for everyone to go work, putting Jurgis, Ona, and the rest of their family into even more debt. 
One thing is for certain, Jurgis is not willing to give up on Ona or his family yet, but this could shortly change due to all of the unfortunate things that are happening to their family.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The Jungle: Chapter 6

In chapter 6, Jurgis and his family meet their neighbor, Grandmother Majauszkiene who explains to the family that when buying or renting houses, people can cheat you for your money. The family learns that they have to pay interest on their house, which in turn, makes it harder for the family to pay for their rent.

Grandmother Majauskiene explained that she came to Packingtown when the workforce was mainly German. She went on to say that the Irish took over the Germans' place and that currently, the Slovaks have taken over the place the Irish were in.
Also, Ona gets a job where she sews covers on hams in a cellar.

Overall, this chapter goes over the fact that people are often cheated on for money or other factors. However, it's also important to try and work with what you have in order to obtain the things that you want or don't have.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

The Jungle: Chapter 5

In chapter 5, almost every one in the family gets a job and works hard to keep it. However, within Packingtown, people have been saying that they hate their jobs and their bosses. Jurgis believes that these people are just lazy and they don't care to join the union.

Whenever one of the family members would get a job, they would be over joyed because they would be able to help support their family. On the other hand, people who were being replaced probably felt angry because someone else was taking their job, which meant that they would have to find another job to support either themselves, or their family, only to be most likey replaced within their new job.

To describe the feeling of being expendable, but also thrilled I decided to post this song called "This Feeling" which is by the Chainsmokers. Hope you like it!

Saturday, April 13, 2019

The Jungle: Chapter 4

In chapter 4, Jurgis  starts his new job of sweeping the entrails of slaughtered cattle through trap doors. For his work he makes a small wage of seventeen and a half cents an hour. Even though this might appear to be a very insignificant amount of money for the hard work he is doing, Juris is happy he is able to work because it's better than earning nothing for doing even harder work. Additionally, Jurgis is helping to support his family, along with Marjia and Jonas who are also working hard at their new jobs.
If I were to be in the same situation as Jurgis, I believe I would also be happy to work for a small wage if it meant that I would be able to support my family.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

The Jungle: Chapter 3

In chapter three, Jurgis goes to get a job at a slaughterhouse. Fortunately, he is able to get his job almost instantly. When Jurgis is being showed around at the slaughterhouse, he sees that all workers seem to act like "zombies." The workers would be known as zombies because they continuously work at the same tasks everyday which causes them to not have very much enthusiasm at their jobs.

The workers seemed to not care about the animals they were butchering, just as they did not care about the new workers who were trying to get a job at the slaughterhouse. The workers lack of concern for both the animals and the new workers was shown because they had blocked a lot of things out of their lives just so that they could continue to do their jobs.

Upton Sinclair portrayed the factory conditions as unsanitary and dingy because people weren't doing a very good job at cleaning up their work spaces.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

The Jungle: Chapter 2

In Chapter 2, the author sets up a back story that explains some of the experiences Jurgis had before and after he met Ona and her family. The chapter also went over some of the factors that took place for Jurgis while he was coming to the United States as an immigrant. From seeing how difficult it was for Jurgis to adjust to the new environment he was going to be living in, I'm sure that it would be difficult for me, as well as anyone else in the same situation as Jurgis.
When Jurgis and Ona arrived in the U.S. they met up a friend who was from Lithuania, Jokubas Szedvilas, who brought them to Mrs. Jukniene who owned a filthy boarding house. Even though the family wan't in the best situation, they hoped that their situation would be temporary.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

The Jungle: Chapter 1

In chapter one, the author presented a ceremony called a "veseliya" which was a traditional event that took place in a Lithuanian wedding. However, for  Jurgis and Ona's wedding the veseliya that took place was not considered hardly at all because they felt that people were leaving without donating any money. This put a considerable amount of stress on Ona because she needed to pay for a lot bills for wedding and many other factors outside of the wedding.  Jurgis, on the other hand, seemed as if he was just trying to stay strong for Ona because he would convince her that he would take care of any of the bills they had to pay for. But, this didn't mean that Jugris did not feel any stress as well as Ona.

From this, it would appear that the veselyia tradition was most likely not considered by the guests that were invited to the wedding. When the guests were presented with many wonderful things during the wedding, it was easy for them to take advantage of those things and they did that by not giving back to the bride and groom.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Hello, this is Noelle. I like riding horses, and I will be writing about the Jungle.