Sunday, May 19, 2019

The Jungle: Chapter 31 (The Finale)

Two basic socialists "cut and dried program for the future civilizations" were the reconstructing of how the economy would work for the country and moving factories and other companies closer together. These programs would allow for a society like Packingtown, to have more opportunities for workers and it would also allow workers to have better financial situations.

The Jungle: Chapter 30

In chapter 30, Jurgis begins to work as a spokesperson for the socialist party. Jurgis is urged to describe the horrible filth of the meat-packing plants also with the real recipes for tinned meats and sausages. Jurgis is excited to take up his new job as spokesperson for the socialist party, but when people don't want to join the socialist movement, he becomes angry and frustrated.

The Jungle: Chapter 29

In Chapter 29, Jurgis learns more about socialism and how many of the workingmen in the U.S. who were immigrants were taken advantage of. One example of this is something called the "Great Butcher" which is a metaphor for the concept of socialism. In the chapter, Jurgis meets a polish man by the name of Ostrinski who speaks Lithuanian. Ostrinski talks about some of the current problems with the economy with Jurgis, and explains what socialism is to him. Ostrinski portrays socialism as "a worldwide movement: any one nation that achieves success will be crushed by the others around it." This gives Jurgis a new perspective on how things are changing in the world, and it causes him to have a sense of enlightenment.

The Jungle: Chapter 28

New immigrants from other countries that come to the U.S. are preyed upon and treated horribly. In the whore house that Marija works in, there are girls that come from other countries that don't speak English who often end up working alongside everyone in the whore house. They are treated poorly, and are drugged so that they become addicted to these drugs and are forced to stay at these places, not only because of their addiction but also because of the increasing debt that they have to eventually pay off.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

The Jungle: Chapter 27

In chapter 27, Jurgis finds Alena who tells Jurgis where Marija is living. When Jurgis goes to see herm he realizes that she is working in a whore house, and Elzbieta and the children are living off of her shame. When Jurgis first finds out about this, he is shocked to have known that Marija would do something this shameful, but he eventually comes to understand that this was really the only way make money to survive.
When Jurgis and Marija are catching on what has happened to them so far, Marija mentions that Ona could have taken care of everyone in their family, in the beginning. I believe that Marija means that Ona could have possibly been in the same position that Marija is in now, when they first cane to the U.S. so that she could provide more money for her family. 

The Jungle: Chapter 26

In chapter 26, Jurgis begins to live a comfortable life which is mostly due to the fact that he is working as a "scab." Jurgis manages the killing rooms, and within his job he starts to evade accountability and he also starts to accept bribes. Jurgis has also become a "strikebreaker," which means that Jurgis tries to break up strikes that take place on the streets of Chicago. Unfortunately, this causes a lot of people to not like Jurgis.

 Aside from this, Jurgis' family has moved into another part of Packingtown, but Jurgis is unwilling to go and see them.
One day, when Jurgis is not working he sees that Phil Connor, which causes Jurgis to become very angry.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

The Jungle: Chapter 25

In chapter 25, Jurgis takes the $100 bill that was given to him by Freddie and goes to a bar to buy a drink. However, when he goes to the bar and asks for a drink, the bartender says that a single drink will cost him a 5 cents. So, while Jurgis only has $100 he tells the bartender about this and gives him the money. Unfortunately, when Jurgis gives the money to the bartender, he only receives 95 cents in return. As soon as Jurgis realizes he has been cheated, he furiously attacks the bartender. Then, a policeman arrests Jurgis and takes him to jail.
When Jurgis goes to court, he is sentenced to 10 days in jail and he must also pay for the costs of his called "crime." When Jurgis goes back into jail, he meets Jack Duane. He agrees that he will see Duane after he gets out of jail.
Jurgis then decides that a life of crime is the only and best way to survive. He first mugged a well dressed man, but found out in the paper that the man was severely injured. Jurgis begins to not care about what happens to his victims.